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Never Surrender Page 20
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Page 20
* * * * *
Three days later, Taima’s spirits soared as he saw their small encampment within the valley along the Wind River. Children played beyond the lean-tos, their faint laughter carrying through the air as he approached.
Two of his warriors spotted them first, one quickly alerting Aiyana. The elation in her face spoke all Taima needed to know. She ran toward Ahanu. He lifted her onto his horse, and she cupped his face in her palms.
Taima watched the joyous expression on Kate’s face as she walked her horse next to his. He leaned closer to whisper, “I think she’s glad we finally returned him home.”
“As I am.” Kate turned toward the children. “Where’s Kelee?”
When Taima turned, all the children were running toward them. He slipped from his horse, knowing he wouldn’t be able to lift his son onto the animals back without causing his wound anguish. The reins trailed from his hand as he walked toward Kelee. A blue headband holding the boy’s long hair accentuated his eyes, reminding Taima so much of his own mother’s gaze.
Placing one knee on the ground, Taima waited for Kelee. The happiness a child bestowed on a parent still overwhelmed Taima as his only son embraced him tighter than he could ever remember. He hugged Kelee back with equal fervor.
“Father, I thought you would never get back. Is everything all right? You brought Kate back?”
“Yes, Nechan, she has returned with us.”
Kate knelt next to him. Kelee fell into her embrace as easily as he’d hugged Taima. He watched their exchange. In Kelee’s excitement, his questions came without waiting for answers. There would be time enough for them later.
“What have you been doing while we’ve been gone?” Kate asked.
“I hunted with Sakima, helped Aiyana gather wood, and fished with Dichali and his daughter, Mai.”
The hair on the back of Taima’s neck rose as he met Ahanu’s gaze. He and Aiyana had also slipped from his horse and heard Kelee’s comment.
“Perhaps it’s nothing,” Ahanu said.
Taima inhaled a ragged breath. “And perhaps it is.” His thoughts centered on Mai.
Her name meant coyote in Shoshone.
A name he was more than familiar with; a name given to skin walkers. Taima blinked, wanting to rid himself of the thoughts. To think of skin walkers only gave them more power to invade one’s mind and soul. If in fact she was one, he would be sure she and her father were sent far from his people. He should have paid closer attention to those within his camp. How could he have missed a woman intent on harming those close to him?
Aiyana’s eyes darted from him to Ahanu. “Is something wrong?”
“How often did Dichali’s daughter, Mai, spend time with Kelee? Were they alone with him?” Ahanu asked.
“Only twice. And they brought fish back both times. Was I not to allow Kelee to be with them?”
“Everything is fine. Please don’t worry,” Taima said, not wanting to alarm Aiyana. “Let’s celebrate our return tonight.”
Kelee had taken Taima’s hand, then Kate’s, as he walked between them. Taima scanned the faces of those around their lean-tos, searching for Dichali and his daughter. If she wanted to start trouble for them already, he would put a stop to it immediately.
“Sakima has taught me to be a better shot so I can become a great warrior like you and Washakie, Father. He was here with his warriors, you know.”
“When did he leave?”
“Five days ago. He stayed until Grandfather said it was all right for him to go. Grandfather said you were safe and would be home soon. He’s always right, Noshi.”
“That, he is, my son; more times than I’d like to admit.” Taima looked at Kate, though she talked with Aiyana. Would Sakima also be right about her?
Sakima approached with the rest of their group, and Taima embraced him. “I’m glad to be home, Noshi. Thank you for taking care of Aiyana and Kelee for us.”
“I’m glad you have brought Kate back safely. My visions told me many things while you were away. Are you stronger now?”
“Thanks to Ahanu and Kate. I probably wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for their help.”
“And I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him and Ahanu. They both risked their lives to save me,” Kate added.
“This is truly a cause for celebration,” Sakima said.
Taima glanced around at the lean-tos through narrowed eyes. A sense of foreboding slithered up his spine. Again, the tiny hairs stood up on the back of his neck.
Someone watched him.
Why hadn’t he felt it before? He looked past the crowd of people only to stare into the dark, sinister gaze of a young woman. A moment passed between them. Placing her hand over her chest, her long fingers touched the hollow at the base of her throat. She blinked, then quickly turned her head and stepped inside her lean-to.
She could possibly be one of the Coyote People, also known as skin walkers, mind invaders, but if she was, he should have sensed it way before this. Distraction was not something acceptable to him and he vowed to pay closer attention to his senses.
When she disappeared, so did Taima’s eerie feelings; the hairs on the back of his neck calmed, but he wondered how long before she would show herself again. That was the first time he’d caught her watching them, and he cursed himself for not being aware of her evil before. Had Kate’s presence affected him so much, he wondered.
He would have to warn her not to look into Mai’s eyes, and if she found it necessary to do so, then only for a moment. Skin walkers used the open windows to invade the soul, slowly taking over the other persons mind until they took complete control, squeezing out the original inhabitant, obtaining what they wanted.
A shiver racked Taima’s body as he looked toward the evening sky. Long ago when he was younger, Sakima had told him of skin walkers as a warning, also telling him never to think of them or look into the eyes of those considered to be Coyote Men...or Women for that matter.
Siding with his better judgment, Taima stayed near Kate and Kelee during the celebration. A mountain sheep roasted over a roaring fire, the aroma filling the air. A few of his braves slowly beat on deerskin drums as others played wooden flutes.
The women, and remaining men, danced near the fire against a darkening orange horizon beyond the mountains.
Kate touched his arm. “I’ll be right back.”
“What is it?”
“It’s personal. I’ll be right back.”
As she stepped into the pines, fear gripped Taima’s chest.
He glanced around for Dichali’s daughter, his heart pounding.
Mai was nowhere in sight. Frantically, his gaze searched each lean-to, wondering whether she would be bold enough to go after Kate with him so near.
“Ahanu, watch Kelee. I’ll be right back.”
Taima quickly strode toward the trees where Kate had entered. Fisting his hands, he swore he would strangle Mai if she planned to harm Kate in any way. The woman had already gone too far by taking his son into her confidence.
Kate screamed.
Taima rushed forward into the already darkened forest, hoping to catch Mai in the act.
“Who’s there?” Kate listened. “Answer me!”
“Kate, I’m here. What is it?”
“Shhh. Listen...over there.”
Snapping twigs and swishing branches sounded in the distance. He stepped forward to catch the intruder, but Kate’s hand on his arm stopped him.
“Don’t. What if a mountain lion lurks in the bushes? You could be mauled.”
Taima peered through the shadowed trees, searching for movement. “Cats await their prey in the trees. Whatever is out there walks on two feet.”
Kate stepped closer to him and he grasped her hand. Her fingers pressed into the back of his hand.
“Do you think it’s the Blackfoot warrior? Taima, I would rather die than be taken by him again.”
Taima thought it best rig
ht now to allow Kate to assume the stalker was the Blackfoot warrior. But he needed to alert her to be aware of Mai and her evil eyes, if in fact, she were actually one of the Coyote people--a chance he didn’t want to take.
He couldn’t let Mai succeed in taking over Kate’s body should that be her plan. Then his breath caught in his throat. Would he know if Mai took over Kate’s mind and body?
He glanced at Kate’s wide eyes as she stared into the shadows like a frightened child. “Let’s return to the others,” he said.
Taima stepped forward, pulling her along.
He strode into the clearing and walked toward the fire, still holding tight to Kate’s hand. “From now on, I don’t want you alone. If you feel the need to go off by yourself, take Aiyana with you, but don’t go anywhere alone.”
She didn’t answer. He stopped and looked at her. “Do you understand?”
Kate turned away from the trees. “Yes. I understand. I promise I’ll be more careful.”
Kate sat down next to Kelee. Although darkness closed in around them, Taima noticed Mai walking from behind his lean-to toward her own. She smiled, nodded, and stepped inside out of sight.
A cold fist clamped around his heart. Suspicion immediately came to mind. She was up to something, but what? He didn’t trust her at all. Suddenly, Taima felt suffocated by her presence among them, yet he had no reason to banish her from the small tribe--yet.
“Noshi . . .”
Kelee tugged on the fringe of Taima’s leggings. He put Mai to the back of his mind and knelt behind his son.
“I know you just returned, but is it all right if I stay with Aiyana for one more night?”
Taima looked at Ahanu.
“It’s fine. He’ll be no problem. You and Kate need time alone...to talk,” Ahanu said, his slanted grin lending to his jovial personality.
Kate turned around. “What do we need to talk about?”
“Nothing. Are you ready to get some sleep? The journey is catching up with me tonight.”
Kate embraced Kelee and kissed his forehead, then joined Taima. “Is your side hurting you very much?”
“No, but I am very tired. I’m glad you decided to come with me.”
“I doubt you’ll need me to keep you warm with all the buffalo hides you have in your lean-to.”
“I’ll sleep better knowing you are next to me and safe.”
Kate cocked her head sideways. “Will I be safe next to you?”
Taima understood the double question and wondered himself. It could be a long night should he decide not to make her his wife as he’d planned once they were alone. He pulled back the hide that covered the entrance to his lean-to. “I guess that’s a chance you’ll have to take...but you’ve been safe with me so far.”
As Kate passed close before him, Taima laced his fingers around the back of her neck and drew her face close to his. The scent of sweet sagebrush drifted to his nose. “I will always keep you safe.”
Taima bent his head toward her. The warmth of her lips against his own heightened his need for her. Kate didn’t pull away, but instead, gently wrapped her arms around his shoulders, molding her body against him.
He pressed his tongue past her satin lips to sweep the inside of her mouth. Desire coursed through him like the rush of the Wind River, pounding in his ears as he wrapped his arms around her slender body, bringing her closer.
Kate kissed him back with equal fervor. Her breasts rose rapidly against his chest, their warmth penetrating the leather of his shirt. Without breaking the kiss, Taima lifted her into his arms and stepped inside, the hide falling behind him to cloak them in total darkness.
Chapter Sixteen
Kate laced her fingers into the hair at Taima’s nape, drawing herself closer, deeper into the kiss, as his arms embraced her. His slow, dizzying kiss enflamed her passion, heating her flesh from head to toe, the scent of sagebrush emanating from her skin. The warmth of Taima’s naked chest penetrated her leather dress.
Still kissing her, he lifted her into his powerful arms as though she weighed no more than a child. Her heart soared, and her stomach fluttered. Of course, Kate knew he desired her. But, she would make him love her also, as much, if not more, than he’d loved his wife.
The intermittent touch of his tongue against hers radiated electrifying waves of excitement through her body. Un-relinquished desire gave her the courage to be bold. She deepened the kiss by sweeping her tongue against Taima’s, eliciting a groan from him as he stepped into the lean-to.
The buffalo hide covering the entrance dropped behind Taima, cloaking them in near-total darkness. He withdrew from their kiss and released Kate’s legs. When her toes touched the ground, her knees would have buckled had she not had her arms around his shoulders.
Taima’s mouth again claimed hers; his kiss urgent and exploring. Lost in the abyss of desire, Kate tipped her head to the side, and Taima’s lips seared a path down the side of her neck. The rapid beat of her heart nearly sent her into a tailspin as she drew a ragged breath to calm herself and clung to Taima. His tongue moved in small, sensuous circles down her neck, making her body ache with need.
“Taima,” she whispered. Desire nearly consumed her every breath.
Afraid if she spoke again, she would betray her true feelings, Kate kissed his shoulder. The moist, saltiness of his skin met her tongue. Gently, she pressed her teeth to his flesh. He groaned again, giving her a sense of satisfaction. She did, indeed, affect him, though he’d tried to hide it.
His hands moved slowly over her body. The tenderness of his caresses stole her breath as Taima pushed her dress above her hips. Cooler air touched her thighs, but his warm fingers soon kneaded the naked flesh of her backside, sending a heated tremor up her spine.
Kate closed her eyes, and arched her back, not realizing it would mold her to Taima’s body even more. His arousal rose against her abdomen. Slipping beneath her dress, his hands lightly skimmed her waist, moving over her ribs, where his thumbs caressed the sides of her breasts.
Kate rested her head in the crook of Taima’s shoulder and took a deep, unsteady breath. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Are you?” he asked in return, his warm breath penetrating her hair.
Afraid to answer aloud should her voice betray her eagerness, Kate only nodded against his shoulder. As his thumbs skimmed over her sensitive nipples, a sharp intake of breath caught in her throat. A moan escaped her lips.
In one seductive motion, Taima swept her dress over her head, then held her secure within the circle of his embrace, bare flesh against bare flesh. Kate slipped her arms around Taima’s neck. Her heart raced when his hand cupped the back of her head. Gently, his lips pressed against hers, then covered her mouth, his tongue thrusting past her lips. His other hand gripped her backside, holding her tighter.
Another moan escaped Kate’s throat. She no longer cared if Taima finally realized she desired him, wanted him...needed him.
Suddenly, he stepped away from her, leaving her confused and very aware of her nakedness when moments ago it hadn’t even occurred to her. She stared into the shadows.
“Don’t move,” he assured. Taima rustled in the darkness, moving their belongings around, then grasped her hand and sat down. “We’ll be more comfortable on the warm hides.”
Kate knelt beside him on the furs, waiting in anticipation of his touch. As he stretched out onto his side, his hand upon her waist drew her down beside him. Nervously, she rested her palm upon his chest, feeling the slow movement of muscles beneath his warm flesh.
He kissed her forehead. “I only wish it were light enough to see you.”
“And I you,” she said, envisioning his broad, corded chest. Kate lightly ran a finger over his hardened nipple, moving lower to the muscles of his ribs. Slowly, she smoothed her hand past his waist to his hip and gasped as she felt only bare skin. He’d removed his leggings and breechcloth!
Taima chuckled, the sound coming from deep within his chest.
r /> Heat flooded her cheeks and Kate was glad he couldn’t see her face. She smoothed her hand lower, only to feel the tight sinew of his backside taut against her hand.
He gently pushed her shoulders down onto the furs, his long hair brushing over her chest. Liquid fire covered the tip of her breast as his tongue circled the nipple. In a swirl of ecstasy, she tilted her head back.
Never had she dreamed Taima could shatter the wall she’d built securely around her heart.
Never had she thought she’d ever surrender to his seductive, savage touch.
* * * * *
Kate’s faint moans radiated a passionate message to every muscle in Taima’s taut body. Just knowing his gentle caress or tender kiss could cause such a reaction within her made his heart swell with a feeling he thought had died years ago. Yet those feelings made themselves known as he moved to lay atop Kate, careful to brace most of his weight on his elbows. He molded her soft curves to the contours of his body.
He kissed the slender column of her neck. Her racing heartbeat fluttered beneath his lips. Desire welled within him, refusing to ebb, and his mouth claimed hers in a passionate kiss. Her eagerness reached his soul.
Kate intertwined her fingers with his, and Taima stretched their arms over her head. Their breathing came in short, ragged puffs as he slipped his knee between hers. He half expected an objection, but none came, only a demanding response as Kate squeezed his fingers, arching her body against him. Her tongue enticingly slipped past his lips.
Taima let go of one of her hands to caress a full breast, a slim waist, and the warmer curves of her body. She arched against the palm of his hand as he continued the caresses until she writhed beneath him.
He broke from the kiss. “You’re sure this is what you want? I’ll not have you accusing me of anything once it’s finished.”
She cupped his face in her small hands, her breathing warm against his cheek. “Know this is what I want, or I wouldn’t still be here.”
Unable to hold back a moment longer, Taima entered her. When her moist lips and tongue touched his, he kissed her, thrusting deeply at the same time. Blood surged through his veins, heating his flesh even more as Kate’s hands caressed his chest, then moved down his sides to his hips, where she pulled him tightly against her.