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Never Surrender Page 19

  Kate glanced toward the trees, watching for Taima. “He searches for a mother for Kelee, but not a woman for himself.”

  Ahanu nodded. “I know. I’m not sure he would allow himself to love another woman, even now. He’s sworn that to me before.”

  Ahanu’s words nearly destroyed the hopes Kate had been building for a relationship with Taima. If she got him to know her better, somehow made him love her, she could break through to destroy his vow of never loving again.

  Snapping twigs startled Kate. Her heart raced, constantly in fear of her abductor’s return.

  She glanced to the trees.

  Taima sauntered into view. Leisurely movements spoke silently of his decreasing pain, though his color still wasn’t what it should be. With more activity, that, too, would improve. She would help Ahanu see to it.

  Kate smoothed her hands down the length of her leather dress. “Are you still up to going for a walk?”

  “I think I need to. My muscles are getting too weak from lying around like a woman.” He winked at Ahanu.

  Kate rolled her eyes as she joined Taima. “Maybe you’re healing faster than I thought.”

  He walked beside her, meandering slowly into the woods. “It’s because you took such good care of me these past few days. How can I thank you?”

  “A good place to begin might be by not starting fights with me.”

  “Do I do that?”

  The sparkle in his blue eyes matched the teasing smile upon his lips. A cool breeze blew his long dark hair over his bare shoulder, presenting the sculptured cut of his jaw that still took her breath away. Her heart beat faster as she remembered his tender, soul-reaching kisses this afternoon and her gaze rested on his mouth. He could be tender when he wanted to.

  His gentle finger beneath her chin brought her gaze up to his. “I do know it’s not polite to stare.”

  Her cheeks quickly heated as she looked away, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. Kate fisted her fingers. How could she have allowed herself to be caught admiring him? Now he would surely tease her.

  She stepped in front of him to walk deeper into the trees, but he lightly grasped her upper arm. “Kate...I was only teasing you. I’m sorry.”

  She glanced around at the dense tree cover, at the stream behind Taima, anywhere but into his eyes.

  “I also enjoy looking at you. It makes me happy.”

  “I’m glad to hear something does.”

  “What scares me is not knowing everything about you. If Sakima is right, and you do come from the future, it would explain the strange clothes you had on when I captured you. Wherever you came from, they make beautiful jewelry. And those weren’t moccasins on your feet.”

  His serious expression made her laugh. “Now I am sorry. I had on a sweatshirt, jeans, and wore black, snakeskin boots on my feet. Where I come from, everyone dresses in the same manner.”

  “We’re not familiar with these. I did save your leggings and…boots. But your shirt was torn to pieces.” Taima gently grasped her hand. “The green stones on your finger are beautiful. They match your eyes.”

  The sun reflected in the emeralds. “Thank you. My parents bought it when I turned eighteen.”

  Kate turned away and walked to the stream. She sat on a shaded, bare patch of ground covered with pine needles and watched the water flow over the stony bottom. Taima sat beside her.

  “Things will change for you and your people, though it’ll take at least a hundred years. Many things will change, Taima.”

  “Like what?”

  She looked at him, his face serious, his eyes filled with concern. “The white man will come west. Many of them. They will slaughter your buffalo. Maybe not the first settlers, there won’t be enough of them, but eventually, twenty or thirty years from now, the slaughter will begin. It has already started with the beaver, hasn’t it?”

  Taima agreed. “The white trappers bring many pelts to the rendezvous at the Green River to trade with each other. The trappers there respect Jim Bridger, a true friend of mine and to my people. He’s visited us many times.”

  Kate swore to herself that she would never mention the reservations. Given the type of man she already knew Taima to be, he would never accept it. None of his people would. Thank God, she wouldn’t have to be around to witness their surrender to the white man. Even if she stayed, their surrender was several years away.

  Tears gathered in her eyes, and Taima’s beautiful image blurred before her as she thought of what would happen to the proud people she’d come to love. A warm tear slipped down her cheek.

  Taima swept it away with the pad of his thumb as his fingers cupped her face. She leaned her cheek into his comforting hand and closed her eyes, causing more tears to fall.

  “What is it you weep for?”

  She glanced back at him. “I’m not frightened of many things, but being here and not knowing why or how scares me to death. And no one has the answers. Will there come a time when I will just disappear and go back to where I came?”

  “I hope that never comes to pass. I want to know you, and so does my son. You mean more to Kelee than you know.”

  “And what of you, Taima. What do I mean to you?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Taima held Kate’s gaze for so long she thought he’d forgotten her question. With one hand still cupping her cheek, he moved his fingers back into her hair and to her nape, pulling her close.

  His mouth took hers with a passion she hadn’t thought he possessed, stealing her breath away. Kate disregarded her unspoken questions as her stomach fluttered like the delicate wings of a butterfly. She braced her hand on the ground beside her, then threaded her fingers through Taima’s long hair. The silky strands slipped over her fingers, tickling the back of her hand.

  Their tongues touched, his sweeping the sensitive skin of her mouth. Then he withdrew, leaving her wanting more, needing more of his gentle touch.

  He slowly inhaled. “Kate, I cannot tell you what you want to hear. I can only say that I find pleasure in being with you.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Is that not a start?”

  “It’s not what I think you search for.”

  “I’ve given up looking for love, since those I love seem to meet a tragic end. Remember what happened to you, all because I cared even a little.” Despair filled her heart. Kate straightened her back, leaning away from Taima and he dropped his arm from around her. “I, too, find pleasure in your company, Taima, but we always seem to argue whenever we’re together. I’m not asking for your love, I only ask that we take each day as it’s given, neither of us asking for more than we receive.”

  He nodded.

  “I know you loved Witashnah very much.” Taima visibly flinched at the mention of her name, as though Kate had struck him with her hand. He looked toward the stream, avoiding eye contact.

  She desperately wanted him to understand. “I don’t expect to take her place in your heart, but I need to feel that I belong…and if not here with you and Kelee, then where?”

  His eyes slowly met hers. “You know you are welcome to remain with us for as long as you think you’ll be here, which is still something I don’t understand.”

  “Nor do I,” she said, wishing she could make him understand. “My visions come to me suddenly; I have no control over them, or what I might see.”

  “Perhaps we could return to the healing waters, if you’re not afraid.”

  Talking of the area where she’d been kidnapped brought back cruel memories she’d rather forget. “What about the Blackfoot?”

  “By now, he’s sure to have heard that you’ve escaped. And he will never give up looking for you.”

  The hairs on the back of her neck rose. Kate scanned the woods across the stream as though she expected to see him waiting for her. “I don’t want to bring danger to you or your people.”

  Taima touched his side. “I’ve faced danger before. I’m not afraid. Let’s forget about him.” He rose and extended a hand t
o her.

  She accepted, at last hopeful they might become friends. As they wandered along, a deer crept warily to the river’s edge further downstream. “I love to watch the animals, to admire a herd of buffalo or elk as they graze about a valley.”

  Taima watched Kate’s eyes sparkle as she talked. The smile that curved her lips delighted him. He stretched his muscles, achy from lack of work. “There are many places I could show you, many things we could do.”

  “I’d like that. Tell me about these places.”

  “There’s a valley nestled between mountains with a lake set in the center. In the early morning, through a thick mist, one can see elk and deer come to drink of the water. It’s also one of Kelee’s favorite fishing spots.”

  Perspiration covered Taima’s forehead, and he wiped it away with the back of his hand.

  “You’re getting too tired. We need to get you back and settled for the night,” Kate stated.

  He walked with her back to Ahanu, who lay stretched out next to a small fire.

  “I see you two didn’t get lost after all.” Chuckling, Ahanu glanced at them both, then shook his head.

  “We sat near the stream and talked,” Taima stated.

  Ahanu held up his hand, stopping Taima from continuing. “I don’t want to hear any more,” he laughed.

  “I want to move on tomorrow. We’ve been delayed here long enough,” Taima said. Kate lightly touched his arm. Even her slight touch sent desire coursing through him.

  “Do you think you’re strong enough to attempt that?” she asked.

  “We will be moving out in the morning,” Taima stated, firmly daring anyone to argue. Dizziness and chills seemed to wrack his body and he hoped by tomorrow they’d be gone. “I think a good night’s rest is all I need.”

  He picked up Ahanu’s shirt and pulled it over his head without too much pain in his side. Exhausted, Taima lay down and rested his head on the sod pillow. Kate picked up a few things scattered about the area while Ahanu checked on the horses, then returned to sit by the fire with her.

  Taima paid little attention to their conversation, for Kate’s green eyes and arched brows accenting her high cheekbones became a distraction. Her soft laugh sounded like music to his ears; female companionship had been sorely missing from his life for too long.

  Time spent with Kate seemed to pass quickly, too quickly. He hadn’t thought about enjoying a woman’s company in years; it confused him that he would feel this way with Kate, a white woman who never ceased challenging him.

  As the sun sank beyond the horizon, Taima thought about Witashnah. They’d been so much in love that everyday his heart still ached for her touch. He dreamed of her often, of talking and laughing with her. It was as though she were still with him.

  Betrayal flashed before him whenever he considered loving another woman the way he’d loved Witashnah. As long as he didn’t allow himself to care too deeply for Kate, he thought they could find happiness. Kelee seemed to love her; the boy talked of no one else. Kate might not be with them forever, but Taima didn’t even want to hint at that possibility to his son.

  Her long, dark hair fell forward when she leaned to search for a stick to poke the fire, stirring the orange embers into the darkening night. Watching her movements affected his own burning embers, sending his thoughts to memories of their earlier shared kiss, of the delicate pulse beneath his lips at the hollow of her throat. Holding her slender body within his embrace reminded him how long it’s been since he’d lain with a woman.

  Not since Witashnah.

  Kate had slept in his lean-to since her arrival. According to the custom of his people, her presence there automatically made them husband and wife, but Taima knew she wasn’t aware of this. Although he strongly desired her, he couldn’t bring himself to make love to her. She had no idea he held the right to have her at his choosing. He could well imagine her reaction when she finally realized this. But could he ever make love to Kate without invoking Witashnah’s image?

  Kate lifted her gaze and the flames reflected in her green eyes. Eyes like a cornered mountain cat in the dark, leery of everything around her. If his people could see her this instant, with the flames in her gaze, they would surely assume she had powers equal to the Great Spirits.

  Taima held her gaze for long moments, wondering if their thoughts were the same, if her wishes also warred against her past.

  Finally, looking sad, she lowered her lashes, causing him to feel guilty. In their conversation earlier, he made it clear he couldn’t love her, and she’d seemed to accept his word.

  Kate stood and walked toward him with another poultice Ahanu had made, the fire lending her face a golden glow. She knelt beside him.

  A red bead on her dress near her knee drew Taima’s attention and he traced around it with his finger.

  “We need to place a new dressing on your wound,” she said, and reached to untie the binding. He rolled onto his side, against Kate’s knees, to allow her better access to his wound.

  “Your hands are warm...and your touch soothing.” Taima waited for her comment, but none followed. “You’re quiet tonight. What bothers you?”

  “I’m fine, just a little preoccupied I guess.” She removed the old dressing and placed the new one over his wound. “Do you miss Kelee very much?”

  The silken touch of her fingers skimmed over his ribs, causing him to inhale sharply. He needed to curb his mounting desire lest he find her beneath him in one swift move. “I do miss my son. It’ll be nice to get back so I can take him hunting again.”

  She secured the binding and pulled down his leather shirt. Picking up the old dressing, she strode over and threw it into the fire, then returned to sit beside him. She tipped her head down, staring at her hands in her lap, her hair falling forward to conceal her face.

  Taima lifted her chin with the pad of his thumb, then tucked the silky strands of hair behind her ear. “What is it?”

  “Do you need me to keep you warm, or should I sleep elsewhere tonight?”

  “What do you want?”

  “I’d hate to be responsible for you having a relapse.” Her soft voice caressed his ear.

  “That could happen if I get chilled.” Though the shadows of night concealed many things, her smile still shone bright in her face, and he returned the gesture, saying, “I thought you might want to sleep by yourself, but I know how cold the night is going to be. We could keep each other warm.”

  “What about Ahanu? You’ve left him without a shirt?”

  “I’m sure if he wanted it back, he’d say so. He’ll be fine.”

  She moved closer, stretching the length of her body next to him so that her back lay against his chest. As he draped his arm over her waist, Ahanu began softly playing his wooden flute, the melancholy music floating through the air.

  The warmth of Kate’s back penetrated Taima’s leather clothing as he pulled her closer. Her hips fit into the curve of his as his knees rested behind hers. Taima hadn’t realized how thin she had become until he moved his hand upward over her ribs.

  He glanced in Ahanu’s direction. Thankfully he played the instrument with his eyes closed, paying no attention to them. Embarrassing Kate was the last thing he wanted to do.

  When Taima held the weight of a full, soft breast in his palm, he realized he shouldn’t have taken such liberties in plain sight of Ahanu. His groin tightened as she arched her back, whispering his name.

  He wanted her.

  Needed her.

  Hearing his name whispered huskily from her lips made him want to take her right here, yet he refrained because of Ahanu’s presence. Taima remembered their time in the water, the feel of her full breasts against his bare chest and the tightness it had caused within his own body.

  Kate’s fingers fisted in his hand. He stopped the caress, but didn’t remove his hand from her breast. The rapid beat of her heart fluttered beneath his wrist, and he smiled to himself. She was affected by his nearness the same as he was by hers. Perhaps
when they returned to his lean-to, he could consider making her his wife in all respects.

  Taima closed his eyes and rested his chin atop Kate’s hair. He breathed in the scent of sagebrush, listening to the sad tune that would surely lull them both to sleep.

  Witashnah’s image formed in his mind, her sad eyes stared at him from a distance. Taima clenched his jaw as he quickly opened his eyes to watch the fire consume the vision. How long would he have to wait before he could find it in his heart to release Witashnah?

  * * * * *

  The next morning, Kate stirred beside Taima, waking him. He covered his eyes against the bright sunlight from the eastern horizon. Kate still slept, though not peacefully. He touched her cool forearm, then slowly rubbed it to warm her skin. Once they arrived back at camp, they could stay warm beneath the buffalo hides he wished for now.

  He glanced over to see if Ahanu yet shivered from the cold of the night. Instead of finding his friend fast asleep, Ahanu sat in the sun with his back against a tree, eating some of the cooked beaver they’d had the night before. Ahanu nodded at him in acknowledgment.

  Taima rose without waking Kate and went to sit with Ahanu, accepting a small piece of meat.

  “You look better today. How do you feel?”

  “Stronger, at least. I’m anxious to travel. I’ve delayed our journey for too long now. Aiyana will have my hide when we return.”

  “She will know we have run into problems. Sakima is with her, and she has the children to occupy her time.”

  “As soon as Kate is up, I want to leave. We’ve a long way to travel.”

  “The two of you seem to have settled some of your differences.”

  Taima shook his head at the smirk on his friend’s face. “You prefer that we get along, don’t you?”

  “Life is easier for those of us around you when you’re happy.”

  Taima raised a brow. “Who says I’m happy?”

  “The direction of your gaze lately tells me all I need to know.”